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Why choose us

We have more than 15 years of experience. All of our products are tested to 100% before shipment. We offer a comprehensive solution for heating

Our team

HuaYon can meet your various demands for heating and thermal solutions, we are professional manufacturer with rich experience in production and export.

Frank Ma


With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, we have won a good reputation in this industry.

Jimmy Wei


We will satisfy every customer with our products and services.

Mark Lee

Sales Manager

We always provide on-time deliveries and qualified products.

MaiKai Zhang

Production director

We specialize in the production of industrial electric heaters with a product range that includes air heating and cooling systems, ceramic heaters, aluminum heaters / molten copper, mica heaters, cartridge heaters, tubular heaters, etc. We provide OEM service

Burrows Chang

General Manager

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